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Grahn & Nõlvak, 2007b

Grahn, Y., Nõlvak, J. 2007. Ordovician Chitinozoa and biostratigraphy from Skåne and Bornholm, southernmost Scandinavia - an overview and update. Bulletin of Geosciences 82 (1), 11-26. | DOI | DETAILS

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ReferenceGrahn & Nõlvak, 2007b
AuthorGrahn, Y., Nõlvak, J.
TitleOrdovician Chitinozoa and biostratigraphy from Skåne and Bornholm, southernmost Scandinavia - an overview and update
JournalBulletin of Geosciences
Source typearticle in journal

Ordovician chitinozoans from Skåne (Sweden) and Bornholm (Denmark), in southernmost Scandinavia, are discussed. Previously published information on Ordovician chitinozoans from these two provinces is reviewed and complemented with new data. Characteristic Baltoscandian chitinozoan faunas have been found from the uppermost Tremadocian (H. copiosus Zone) to the Ordovician–Silurian boundary interval. Besides the uppermost Tremadocian strata, the Lower Ordovician part of the Tøyen Formation (Floian to lowermost Darriwilian) has not been investigated. The Belonechitina micracantha – robusta – wesenbergensis complex is discussed in some detail. The forty-nine species, of which twelve in open nomenclature, are from fifteen genera. One species, Conochitina scabra n. sp., from the uppermost Lindegård Mudstone and lower Tommarp Formation (uppermost Katian–lower Hirnantian) in Skåne, is newly described. 

New taxa described

RankTaxon nameBelongs to
SpeciesConochitina scabra Grahn et Nõlvak, 2007Conochitina


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<i><i>Conochitina scabra</i></i><br />Kardla 570 borehole, 167.50 m, Porkuni Stage (359-9)