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Conochitina scabra Grahn et Nõlvak, 2007

TaxonConochitina scabra
AuthorGrahn et Nõlvak, 2007
Parent taxonConochitina
FADPorkuni Stage
LADJuuru Stage

Type specimens

holotypeDepartment of Geology, TalTechGIT 359-9Kardla 570 boreholePorkuni Stage167.5 m

Distribution map


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<i><i>Conochitina scabra</i></i><br />Tartu 554 drillcore, 188.70 m, Porkuni Stage (573-16) <i><i>Conochitina scabra</i></i><br />Ohesaare borehole, 448.00 m, Porkuni Stage (573-17) <i><i>Conochitina scabra</i></i><br />Likenai 396 borehole, 784.01 m, Porkuni Stage (884-12) <i><i>Conochitina scabra</i></i><br />Kardla 570 borehole, 167.50 m, Porkuni Stage (359-9)