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Sample No. M-14394

LocalityKerguta 565 borehole
Latitude (dec. deg.)59.127778
Longitude (dec. deg.)26.012500
Depth (m)100.60
Depth, to (m)100.65
StratigraphyNabala Stage
LithostratigraphyPaekna Formation
CollectorNõlvak, Jaak
Sampling purposeacid-resistant microfossils
OwnerNõlvak, Jaak
Owner (institution)Department of Geology, TalTech
Record inserted2013-12-13 11:59:17
Record changed2021-10-28 13:36:24

Species identified

NameCoded occurrenceRemarks
Belonechitina micracantha1
Belonechitina wesenbergensis brevis1
Belonechitina wesenbergensis elongata1
Lagenochitina baltica1
Lagenochitina cylindrica1
Rhabdochitina magna-1