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Nestor, V., 2005

Nestor, V. 2005. Chitinozoans of the Margachitina margaritana Biozone and the Llandovery-Wenlock boundary in West Estonian drill cores. Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Geology 54 (2), 87-111. PDF | DOI | DETAILS

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ReferenceNestor, V., 2005
AuthorNestor, V.
TitleChitinozoans of the Margachitina margaritana Biozone and the Llandovery-Wenlock boundary in West Estonian drill cores
JournalProceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Geology
Source typearticle in journal
Remarks3 fototahvlit

The succession of chitinozoan taxa in the uppermost Llandovery and lowermost Wenlock of the Viki, Ohesaare, Kaugatuma, and Ruhnu drill core sections is described and correlated with the global stratotype section of the basal Wenlock in Hughley Brook, Shropshire, England. The most important biomarkers for the identification of the Llandovery-Wenlock boundary in Estonian sections are the disappearance levels of Ramochitina nestorae, Conochitina acuminata, C. cf. flamma, and Angochitina longicollis. In the West Estonian cores this boundary corresponds to a level in the middle or upper part of the Margachitina margaritana Biozone. In the Viki and Ohesaare cores it coincides with the bentonite layers above the accepted boundary between the Adavere and Jaani regional stages and correlates with a level in the middle of the murchisoni graptolite Biozone. Three new species, Belonechitina oeselensis, Ancyrochitina mullinsi, and Eisenackitina inanulifera, are described.

New taxa described

RankTaxon nameBelongs to
SpeciesAncyrochitina mullinsi Nestor, 2005Ancyrochitina
SpeciesBelonechitina oeselensis Nestor, 2005Belonechitina
SpeciesEisenackitina inanulifera Nestor, 2005Eisenackitina

Sections studied or mentioned

Kaugatuma 509 borehole913120-260m
Ohesaare borehole924330-340m
Ruhnu 500 borehole935440-470m
Viki borehole902105-150m


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<i><i>Ancyrochitina ansarviensis</i></i><br />Viki borehole, 148.40 m, Adavere Stage (272-39) <i><i>Ancyrochitina digitata</i></i><br />Ruhnu 500 borehole, 454.05 m, Jaani Stage (427-33) <i><i>Ancyrochitina digitata</i></i><br />Ruhnu 500 borehole, 454.05 m, Jaani Stage (427-34) <i><i>Ancyrochitina mullinsi</i></i><br />Kaugatuma 509 borehole, 242.00 m, Adavere Stage (427-23) <i><i>Ancyrochitina mullinsi</i></i><br />Kaugatuma 509 borehole, 246.40 m, Adavere Stage (427-24) <i><i>Ancyrochitina porrectaspina</i></i><br />Ruhnu 500 borehole, 465.40 m, Adavere Stage (272-18) <i><i>Ancyrochitina vikiensis</i></i><br />Viki borehole, 147.60 m, Adavere Stage (272-27) <i><i>Angochitina longicollis</i></i><br />Kaugatuma 509 borehole, 235.00 m, Adavere Stage (427-5) <i><i>Anthochitina primula</i></i><br />Viki borehole, 140.10 m, Adavere Stage (272-31) <i><i>Anthochitina primula</i></i><br />Viki borehole, 140.10 m, Adavere Stage (272-31) <i><i>Chitinozoa</i> | Belonechitina cf. meifodensis Mullins et Loydell, 2001</i><br />Kaugatuma 509 borehole, 242.00 m, Adavere Stage (427-12) <i><i>Belonechitina oeselensis</i></i><br />Kaugatuma 509 borehole, 234.05 m, Adavere Stage (427-3) <i><i>Belonechitina oeselensis</i></i><br />Kaugatuma 509 borehole, 240.00 m, Adavere Stage (427-4) <i><i>Chitinozoa</i> | Belonechitina sp. 2 sensu Mullins et Loydell, 2001</i><br />Viki borehole, 119.60 m, Adavere Stage (427-32) <i><i>Bursachitina nana</i></i><br />Kaugatuma 509 borehole, 237.00 m, Adavere Stage (427-16) <i><i>Bursachitina nana</i></i><br />Kaugatuma 509 borehole, 240.00 m, Adavere Stage (427-17) <i><i>Chitinozoa</i> | Calpichitina aff. acollaris (Eisenack, 1959)</i><br />Ohesaare borehole, 338.25 m, Jaani Stage (427-31) <i><i>Chitinozoa</i> | Calpichitina aff. acollaris (Eisenack, 1959)</i><br />Ohesaare borehole, 338.25 m, Jaani Stage (427-31) <i><i>Calpichitina densa</i></i><br />Kaugatuma 509 borehole, 250.50 m, Adavere Stage (427-20) <i><i>Calpichitina opaca</i></i><br />Kaugatuma 509 borehole, 242.20 m, Adavere Stage (427-25) <i><i>Cingulochitina bouniensis</i></i><br />Ruhnu 500 borehole, 451.00 m, Jaani Stage (427-35) <i><i>Conochitina acuminata</i></i><br />Ohesaare borehole, 349.40 m, Adavere Stage (272-62) <i><i>Chitinozoa</i> | Conochitina aff. tuba Eisenack, 1932</i><br />Kaugatuma 509 borehole, 233.05 m, Jaani Stage (427-28) <i><i>Conochitina</i> | Conochitina cf. leptosoma Laufeld, 1974</i><br />Kaugatuma 509 borehole, 241.00 m, Adavere Stage (427-15) <i><i>Conochitina</i> | Conochitina cf. leviscapulae Mullins et Loydell, 2001</i><br />Kaugatuma 509 borehole, 243.10 m, Adavere Stage (427-18) <i><i>Conochitina claviformis</i></i><br />Viki borehole, 110.75 m, Jaani Stage (427-29) <i><i>Conochitina emmastensis</i></i><br />Kaugatuma 509 borehole, 252.70 m, Adavere Stage (427-14) <i><i>Conochitina flamma</i></i><br />Kaugatuma 509 borehole, 237.00 m, Adavere Stage (427-13) <i><i>Conochitina proboscifera</i> | Conochitina proboscifera Eisenack, 1937</i><br />Kaugatuma 509 borehole, 245.40 m, Adavere Stage (427-6) <i><i>Conochitina proboscifera</i> | Conochitina proboscifera Eisenack, 1937</i><br />Kaugatuma 509 borehole, 245.40 m, Adavere Stage (427-7) <i><i>Conochitina visbyensis</i></i><br />Ohesaare borehole, 349.40 m, Adavere Stage (272-135) <i><i>Conochitina visbyensis</i></i><br />Ohesaare borehole, 349.40 m, Adavere Stage (272-135) <i><i>Eisenackitina causiata</i></i><br />Kaugatuma 509 borehole, 237.00 m, Adavere Stage (427-11) <i><i>Eisenackitina dolioliformis</i></i><br />Kaugatuma 509 borehole, 246.45 m, Adavere Stage (427-2) <i><i>Eisenackitina inanulifera</i></i><br />Kaugatuma 509 borehole, 242.00 m, Adavere Stage (427-10) <i><i>Eisenackitina inanulifera</i></i><br />Kaugatuma 509 borehole, 235.00 m, Adavere Stage (427-8) <i><i>Eisenackitina inanulifera</i></i><br />Kaugatuma 509 borehole, 242.00 m, Adavere Stage (427-9) <i><i>Eisenackitina</i> | Eisenackitina sp.1 sensu Mullins et Loydell, 2001</i><br />Kaugatuma 509 borehole, 231.05 m, Jaani Stage (427-30) <i><i>Margachitina banwyensis</i></i><br />Kaugatuma 509 borehole, 240.00 m, Adavere Stage (427-21) <i><i>Margachitina margaritana</i> | Margachitina margaritana (Eisenack, 1937)</i><br />Kaugatuma 509 borehole, 240.00 m, Adavere Stage (427-22) <i><i>Plectochitina magna</i></i><br />Kaugatuma 509 borehole, 244.20 m, Adavere Stage (427-27) <i><i>Plectochitina pachyderma</i></i><br />Kaugatuma 509 borehole, 236.00 m, Adavere Stage (427-19) <i><i>Ramochitina angusta</i></i><br />Ruhnu 500 borehole, 454.05 m, Jaani Stage (219-3) <i><i>Ramochitina angusta</i></i><br />Ruhnu 500 borehole, 454.05 m, Jaani Stage (219-3) <i><i>Ramochitina nestorae</i></i><br />Kaugatuma 509 borehole, 243.10 m, Adavere Stage (427-26) <i><i>Ramochitina ruhnuensis</i></i><br />Kaugatuma 509 borehole, 242.00 m, Adavere Stage (427-1)