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Asselin et al., 1989

Asselin, E., Achab, A., Bourque, P. A. 1989. Chitinozoaires du Silurien inférieur dans la région de la baie des Chaleurs en Gaspésie, Québec, Canada. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 26 (12), 2435-2449. | DOI | DETAILS

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ReferenceAsselin et al., 1989
AuthorAsselin, E., Achab, A., Bourque, P. A.
TitleChitinozoaires du Silurien inférieur dans la région de la baie des Chaleurs en Gaspésie, Québec, Canada
JournalCanadian Journal of Earth Sciences
Source typearticle in journal

A palynological study of a Llandoverian - lower Wenlockian sequence at Chaleurs Bay (Quebec) has revealed six distinct chitinozoan assemblages whose stratigraphic positions are well known on the basis of brachiopod and conodont data. A comparison of these microfaunas with those described from sequences of the same age in Europe and North America shows that the association Conochitina acuminata, Conochitinaflamma, Conochitina cf. C. proboscifera, and Angochitina aff. A. longicollis is the most interesting one. This association is dated as late Llandoverian - early Wenlockian.