Chitinozoan taxa
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Belonechitina postrobusta (Nestor, 1980)
ID | 2175 |
Taxon | Belonechitina postrobusta |
Author | (Nestor, 1980) |
Parent taxon | Belonechitina |
FAD | Juuru Stage |
LAD | Juuru Stage |
Type specimens
Type | Repo. | No. | Locality | Strat. | Remarks |
holotype | Department of Geology, TalTech | GIT 212-10 | Ikla borehole | Juuru Stage | 515.7 m |
Distribution map
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![<i><i>Belonechitina postrobusta</i></i><br />Kolka 54 borehole, 660.50 m, Juuru Stage (754-393)](
![<i><i>Belonechitina postrobusta</i></i><br />Kolka 54 borehole, 660.50 m, Juuru Stage (754-391)](
![<i><i>Belonechitina postrobusta</i></i><br />Varbla 502 borehole, 212.90 m, Raikküla Stage (754-822)](
![<i><i>Belonechitina postrobusta</i></i><br />Ikla borehole, 504.20 m, Juuru Stage (754-821)](
![<i><i>Belonechitina postrobusta</i></i><br />Varbla 502 borehole, 212.90 m, Raikküla Stage (754-822)](
![<i><i>Belonechitina postrobusta</i></i><br />Ikla borehole, 504.20 m, Juuru Stage (754-821)](
![<i><i>Belonechitina postrobusta</i></i><br />Laeva 18 borehole, 140.70 m, Juuru Stage (754-839)](
![<i><i>Belonechitina postrobusta</i></i><br />Laeva 18 borehole, 140.70 m, Juuru Stage (754-839)](
![<i><i>Belonechitina postrobusta</i></i><br />Laeva 18 borehole, 140.70 m, Juuru Stage (754-839)](
![<i><i>Belonechitina postrobusta</i></i><br />Laeva 18 borehole, 140.70 m, Juuru Stage (754-839)](
![<i><i>Belonechitina postrobusta</i></i><br />Kolka 54 borehole, 660.50 m, Juuru Stage (754-1280)](
![<i><i>Belonechitina postrobusta</i></i><br />Likenai 396 borehole, 763.23 m, Juuru Stage (884-13)](
![<i><i>Belonechitina postrobusta</i> | </i><br />Grötlingbo 1 borehole, Gotland, 389.88 m, Juuru Stage (688-25)](
![<i><i>Belonechitina postrobusta</i> | Belonechitina cf. postrobusta</i><br />Ohesaare borehole, 447.70 m, Adavere Stage (754-878)](
![<i><i>Belonechitina postrobusta</i> | Belonechitina cf. postrobusta</i><br />Taagepera borehole, 410.70 m, Porkuni Stage (754-880)](
![<i><i>Belonechitina postrobusta</i> | Belonechitina cf. postrobusta</i><br />Taagepera borehole, 410.70 m, Porkuni Stage (754-880)](
![<i><i>Belonechitina postrobusta</i> | Belonechitina cf. postrobusta</i><br />Ohesaare borehole, 447.70 m, Adavere Stage (754-878)](
![<i><i>Belonechitina postrobusta</i></i><br />Ikla borehole, 515.70 m, Juuru Stage (212-10)](
![<i><i>Belonechitina postrobusta</i></i><br />Ikla borehole, 515.70 m, Juuru Stage (212-10)](
![<i><i>Belonechitina postrobusta</i></i><br />Ikla borehole, 504.20 m, Juuru Stage (272-119)](
![<i><i>Belonechitina postrobusta</i></i><br />Ikla borehole, 504.20 m, Juuru Stage (272-120)](
![<i><i>Belonechitina postrobusta</i></i><br />Laeva 18 borehole, 140.70 m, Juuru Stage (272-114)](
![<i><i>Belonechitina postrobusta</i></i><br />Laeva 18 borehole, 140.70 m, Juuru Stage (272-114)](
![<i><i>Belonechitina postrobusta</i></i><br />Häädemeeste 172 borehole, 390.00 m, Juuru Stage (272-116)](
![<i><i>Belonechitina postrobusta</i></i><br />Häädemeeste 172 borehole, 390.00 m, Juuru Stage (272-116)](
![<i><i>Belonechitina postrobusta</i></i><br />Tartu 554 drillcore, 188.70 m, Juuru Stage (272-117)](
![<i><i>Belonechitina postrobusta</i></i><br />Tartu 554 drillcore, 188.70 m, Juuru Stage (272-117)](
![<i><i>Belonechitina postrobusta</i></i><br />Ohesaare borehole, 411.00 m, Juuru Stage (272-118)](
![<i><i>Belonechitina postrobusta</i></i><br />Kolka 54 borehole, 660.50 m, Juuru Stage (546-1)](
![<i><i>Belonechitina postrobusta</i></i><br />Aizpute 41 borehole, 977.95 m, lower Silurian (345-1)](
![<i><i>Belonechitina postrobusta</i> | Conochitina postrobust</i><br />Laeva 18 borehole, 140.70 m, Juuru Stage (754-838)](
![<i><i>Belonechitina postrobusta</i> | Conochitina postrobust</i><br />Laeva 18 borehole, 140.70 m, Juuru Stage (754-838)](
![<i><i>Belonechitina postrobusta</i> | Conochitina postrobusta Nestor, 1980</i><br />Ikla borehole, 515.70 m, Juuru Stage (212-11)](
![<i><i>Belonechitina postrobusta</i> | Conochitina postrobusta Nestor, 1980</i><br />Ikla borehole, 515.70 m, Juuru Stage (212-11)](
![<i><i>Belonechitina postrobusta</i> | Conochitina postrobusta Nestor, 1980</i><br />Ikla borehole, 504.20 m, Juuru Stage (212-12)](
![<i><i>Belonechitina postrobusta</i> | Conochitina postrobusta Nestor, 1980</i><br />Tartu 554 drillcore, 188.70 m, Juuru Stage (212-13)](
![<i><i>Belonechitina postrobusta</i> | Conochitina postrobusta Nestor, 1980</i><br />Ikla borehole, 504.20 m, Juuru Stage (212-18)](
![<i><i>Belonechitina postrobusta</i> | Conochitina postrobusta Nestor, 1980</i><br />Ikla borehole, 504.20 m, Juuru Stage (212-19)](
![<i><i>Belonechitina postrobusta</i> | Conochitina postrobusta Nestor, 1980</i><br />Ikla borehole, 515.70 m, Juuru Stage (189-1)](