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Sample No. M-1522

LocalityIkla borehole
Latitude (dec. deg.)57.881675
Longitude (dec. deg.)24.369386
Depth (m)234.00
Depth, to (m)234.10
StratigraphyJaagarahu Stage
Weight (remaining, g)0
Owner (institution)Department of Geology, TalTech
Record changed2017-01-07 18:33:35

Species identified

NameCoded occurrenceRemarks
Conochitina postproboscifera nom. nud.1
Conochitina sp. 7 (Nestor, 1994)1
Ancyrochitina gutnica1
Ancyrochitina plurispinosa1
Conochitina fortis1
Conochitina pachycephala1
Conochitina tuba1

Specimens from the sample (1)

<i>Conochitina acuminata Eisenack, 1959</i><br />Ikla borehole, 234.00 m, Jaagarahu Stage