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<i><i>Belonechitina cactacea</i> | </i><br />Grötlingbo 1 borehole, Gotland, 421.87 m, Rakvere Stage (688-22) <i><i>Belonechitina cactacea</i> | Belonechitina cactacea (Eisenack)</i><br />Black Knob Ridge Section,  m, Katian (862-34) <i><i>Belonechitina cactacea</i></i><br />Uuga Cliff 1, Parki peninsula, 1.30 m, Lasnamägi Stage (590-16) <i><i>Belonechitina cactacea</i></i><br />Kerguta 565 borehole, 168.71 m, Uhaku Stage (544-24) <i><i>Belonechitina</i> | Belonechitina cf B. cactacea (Eisenack)</i><br />Black Knob Ridge Section,  m, Katian (862-35)